Portrait Gallery Wall
Portrait Gallery Exhibit Space
O+D designed a permanent display support structure for the portrait gallery space in the main foyer of the Canadian War Museum.
The wall-mounted aluminum support structure, visible at the back of the exhibit, was a design collaboration between O+D and the CWM/ CMH. It was designed to accommodate a variety of design configurations as this gallery space changes once or twice per year.
The design also included a portable reader rail system, c/w a glass surround for artifact safety (see bottom image). This allows the barrier to be removed for visitor ease of access to small artifacts on display in some exhibits.
'Ready to Serve' is the third exhibit designed by O+D for this space. O+D provided exhibit and graphic design, and fabrication drawings featuring a selection of photos taken during the First World War.
The Canada Science and Technology Museum loaned the Cirkut camera to CWM for this exhibition.